Friday, February 3, 2012

10th of June

That is the day I shall return to my home land. The ancient kingdom of Denmark.
What a weird and awkward feeling in my stomach.
On one side I look forward to seeing my family and my friends but there's something wrong in the equation.
What about the people here?!! My host family, my friends, my school and my cat?!!

It's like it ended before it even got to start... I know I still have 4 months left but if I'm right, they're going to fly by and feel like 4 weeks... *bad word*, it's like I feel I'm waisting my time if I'm not doing something every freakin' second. So much to see, so much I'm going to miss...

Anyphase before this gets too emotionel and I start whining, I just wanted to express this probably was the best decision I've ever made in my life. Better than that time when I chose to stay home and watch Disney movies instead of going to a concert. Yeah. Way better than that decision.

This is not my testament. Oh no, there's gonna be one, and it's gonna be loooooaooooaoaooaoaoooong. and emotional. Like "the Vow" emotional.

So basically I'm just whining about my departure date and the panic following.

And what the heck about the seniors I know? They're all going to college and I know I'm going back to Denmark so it doesn't make any difference, but I feel like they're leaving me and not the other way around!

That is all. :'( 

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